Reviewer Guidelines
Thank you for your interest in serving as a reviewer for Vidhina, a multilingual, multidisciplinary
research journal dedicated to fostering global knowledge exchange and academic excellence. Your
expertise is vital in ensuring the publication of high-quality research.
- Review assigned manuscripts thoroughly and objectively within the designated timeframe
(typically 2-4 weeks). - Provide constructive and detailed feedback to authors, highlighting the strengths and
weaknesses of the research. - Evaluate manuscripts based on the established criteria outlined below.
- Identify any potential ethical concerns or conflicts of interest related to the manuscript or
authors. - Communicate with the editorial team promptly and professionally.
Evaluation Criteria
- Originality and Significance: Does the manuscript present original research that contributes significantly to the existing body of knowledge in the field?
- Methodology: Is the research methodology sound and appropriate for the chosen topic? Are
the data collection and analysis methods clearly explained and justified? - Results and Discussion: Are the results presented clearly and accurately? Are the results
interpreted appropriately within the context of existing literature? - Writing Quality: Is the manuscript well-written and organized? Is the language clear,
concise, and grammatically correct? - Ethical Considerations: Does the manuscript adhere to ethical research principles?
Review Process
- The editorial team will assign manuscripts to reviewers based on their expertise and
availability. - Reviewers will receive an email notification with instructions on how to access the
manuscript and submit their review. - Reviews should be submitted within the designated period.
- Reviewers should provide detailed feedback using the provided review form, addressing
each of the evaluation criteria. - Reviewers should identify any potential ethical concerns or conflicts of interest and disclose
them to the editorial team. - The editorial team will consider all reviewers feedback before making a final decision on the
Reviewer Resources
- Familiarize yourself with the author guidelines to understand the expectations for
manuscript submission. - Reviewers are expected to adhere to high ethical standards. Please refer to the Committee
on Publication Ethics (COPE) guidelines for more information. - Reviewers should disclose any potential conflicts of interest to the editorial team.
Reviewer Recognition
Vidhina sincerely appreciates the valuable contributions of our reviewers. Your expertise and dedication are essential to the success of Vidhina.
Certificate of Appreciation: Reviewers who complete a certain number of reviews may receive a certificate of appreciation.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the Vidhina editorial team.