Vidhina is dedicated to maintaining the highest levels of standards and academic rigor. The Vidhina uses a strict editorial-review procedure for all submitted manuscripts in order to accomplish this. This guarantees that each article is evaluated fairly and impartially by subject-matter experts.
Criteria for Evaluation
Manuscripts are evaluated based on the following key criteria:
Originality: Does the manuscript present new and significant findings that contribute to the existing body of knowledge?
Methodology: Is the research methodology sound and appropriate for the research question? Are the methods described clearly and transparently?
Data Analysis: Is the data analysis rigorous and appropriate? Are the results presented clearly and accurately?
Interpretation: Are the results interpreted correctly and discussed in the context of existing literature?
Clarity and Concision: Is the manuscript well-written, organized, and free of grammatical errors?
Significance: Does the research have the potential to impact the field and inform future research?
Steps Involved
Initial Assessment: The editorial team conducts a preliminary evaluation of all submissions to verify adherence to journal guidelines.
Reviewer Selection: Manuscripts are assigned to reviewers with expertise in the subject matter.
Review: Reviewers provide detailed assessments of the manuscript, including its strengths, weaknesses, and recommendations for improvement. Importantly, the author identities remain concealed from the reviewers throughout the process.
Editorial decision: The editor carefully considers the reviewers’ feedback and makes a final decision about the manuscript. The decision can be:
Accept: The manuscript is accepted for publication without any revisions.
Minor revisions: The manuscript is accepted pending minor revisions.
Major revisions: The manuscript is invited for resubmission after substantial revisions.
Reject: The manuscript is rejected.
Author response: If the manuscript is accepted for publication with revisions, the authors are invited to respond to the reviewers’ comments and revise their manuscript accordingly.
Final Decision: The editor reviews the revised manuscript and makes a final decision about its publication.
Timeline: The review process typically takes 4-6 weeks. However, the actual timeframe may vary depending on the number of reviewers and the complexity of the manuscript.
Vidhina strives to be transparent about its editorial-review process. Authors are provided with detailed feedback from the reviewers, and the editor’s decision letter explains the rationale behind the decision.
Commitment to Quality: Vidhina is committed to publishing high-quality research that advances knowledge and understanding across various disciplines. The rigorous editorial-review process ensures that only the best manuscripts are published in the journal.